A ‘Soul Emergence Through Self-Love’ Experience for souls ready to listen, forgive, trust, and believe in themselves

Join This Restorative Experience to Remember Who You Are

April 5 to 7, 2024 | 11:00 am to 5:00 pm est

April 28, 2024 | 11:00am to 2:00 pm est

Part 1—Soul Emergence Curriculum

Friday, April 5


First, we explore some foundational systems of our design, plus how we hold the soul.


Human Design


The Soul’s Voice

How we hold Soul—Bridging your divine essence and the earthly

12 Pillars of Soul Work

Saturday, April 6


Then, we bring deep curiosity and compassion to our pain and wounds. We explore how we hold emotions & relationships.



Ceremonial Cacao

Cacao Circle

Core Wounds Study

How we hold Emotions & Relationships—Through relating, change, uncertainty & self-soothing

Sunday, April 7


Finally, we remember our original wisdom and learn how to embrace and enact new paradigm living.


Cacao Circle

Soul Desires

New Paradigm Living

Lunar Cycles

How we hold Magic—The unseen, connection to all-that-is, altars, ancestors & gifts

How we hold Vision—Creating the new, understanding your purpose

Part 2—Depth & Integration

Sunday, April 28

Soul Emergence

We bring realizations and curiosities to the group to allow deeper integration.


Cacao Circle

Receive Guidance on Your Unique Path

Sharing & Reflection

Practice & Closing

“Thank you for helping me identify my inner voice, my soul.”

—Deborah G.

During our collaboration, you will begin to—

Connect with your soul

Align with magic and mission

Develop a devotional practice

Cultivate your emergence

Access your intuition

Deepen emotional intelligence

Understand blocks

Release resistance

Find all the answers within

Grieve, self-sooth & heal

Fully trust your next steps

Meet your soul family

Harmonize into softness

Cultivate spaciousness

Step into presence

Tell new stories

“Sitting in cacao with Maggie and others felt safe and magical. I felt more connected to myself and the other souls present. Maggie’s words of wisdom and storytelling gave me permission to provide grace and compassion towards my own soul’s voice and welcome in the depth of my own being.”

—Laura F.


Moving through loss, grief, change & uncertainty

Learning how to prioritize soul needs & desires

Pivoting work, habits, relationships & purpose

Wishing to feel whole, connected & independent

Shifting into new paradigms to guide a fulfilling life

Choosing yourself again after separation from soul

“A Cacao ceremony with Maggie Battista is a deeply spiritual and profoundly rejuvenating experience. I left feeling lighter and more energized, knowing I discovered a method of self healing that will play an important role in my future. I also learned a lot about Cacao and how to incorporate it into my daily life. Absolutely everyone should give this a try.”

—Harun E.

What makes this experience unique—

Live experience over Zoom from comfort of your home, no replays

20+ hours of embodied lessons, sacred practices, reflections & remembrance from a lifetime of coming home to soul

Small group practice

3 Cacao Circles to receive messages from soul & ancestors

Extensive lived experience following Human Design, Astrology & Lunar Cycles

Extensive lived experience blending entrepreneurial mastery with living guided by soul

Q & A time to receive guidance on your unique path

Private What’s App for sharing & reflection between calls

Self-Healing with Soul Cacao course to cultivate your own devotional practice at home

Extensive lived experience with Cacao recipes, rituals & emotional releases with the spirit of Cacao and a guide who has received permissions to offer Cacao rituals by Mayan spiritual leaders

List of life-changing reading materials to further step into soul


One time
For 2 weeks

A ‘Soul Emergence Through Self-Love’ Experience for souls ready to listen, forgive, trust, and believe in themselves. Join this restorative experience to remember who you are from April 5-7 and April 28.


Hi, I’m Maggie Battista. I’m a storyteller, strategist, ritualist, teacher & mentor.

I share stories on the sweetness of life and the magic that unfolds when you listen to your soul.

The soul speaks through an inner voice which is the calm and all-knowing wisdom that surfaces from within when you get quiet and listen.

I weave how to listen to soul, self-love and self-healing practices (like Ceremonial Cacao), with decades of entrepreneurial mastery to help creatives, visionaries, healers, and leaders transcend blocks in order to heal and bring their most authentic selves to work, life, and art.

I guide individuals through everything from organizational shifts and role recalibrations, through self-awareness and self-healing paths, and to soul emergence so they vision unending possibilities, align with their ever-unfolding purpose, and take inspired action from the soul.

My offerings are leading edge benefits that recalibrate the inner world, helping you center abundance, ease, coherence, and self-trust.

And the bonds that emerge through our collaboration make work and life a lot more fun, and a lot more magical.

“Attending Maggie's Cacao Ceremony felt like I was receiving a gift that will last a lifetime. We were all in such good hands in the sacred circle for learning, sharing, and experiencing Cacao.”

—Stephanie R.

“Maggie's energy and the way she held our Cacao ceremony was so special. I had sipped Cacao before on my own, but never as part of a ceremony with a group of people. Maggie's love, appreciation, and respect for Cacao and the medicine that it offers is deeply felt. I felt so cared for during the ceremony and the way Maggie held the space and served us our Cacao. Sipping the Cacao not only tasted delicious but brought such a sense of peace and gratitude to my heart.”

—Meggie W.

“After ceremony, I felt grateful, more at peace, and speechless (in a good way!) Which is probably why when I was leaving, I couldn’t come up with the words to tell you how much I appreciated the ceremony. Reflecting on it, I am very thankful that I was able to attend. You have a very welcoming energy and it felt as if I was sitting down to spend time with a friend.”

—Cassie S.


  • To move from chaos to clarity in order to foster your personal transformation and soul’s emergence. You will learn to listen, forgive, trust, love, and believe in yourself.

  • April 5 to 7, 2024 | 11:00 am to 5:00 pm est

    Soul Emergence Curriculum

    April 28, 2024 | 11:00am to 2:00 pm est

    Part 2—Depth & Integration

  • In the program, I will teach you how to listen to your soul’s voice, which is the calm and all knowing wisdom and language that surfaces from within when we get quiet and listen. We do this through experiential lessons, question and answer sessions, meditations, visualizations, and working with the heart-opening medicine of Ceremonial Cacao.

  • Yes, the community aspect occurs in the deeply sacred containers of our experiential calls. As well, I will maintain and broad messages through a private channel for participants in What’s App. All participants are welcome to post introductions, updates, and questions there.

  • No. Those who gather for this experiential program are there for a deeply guided purpose. Whether you are just awakening to soul and years into your journey, this program is for all.

  • Please purchase with full sovereignty and a willingness to participate in as much of the program as possible, as there are no refunds.

  • There will be an online space that hosts all program materials, as needed.


One time
For 2 weeks

A ‘Soul Emergence Through Self-Love’ Experience for souls ready to listen, forgive, trust, and believe in themselves. Join this restorative experience to remember who you are from April 5-7 and April 28.